
造形の形チェック Checking form of the objet

 These are the photos I took on 11th July, Monday. Presently, I am forming the objet step by step, by modeling the smaller version of the objet I made beforehand. 

 I made the model from plaster mold, by double-painting engobe inside the mold, and then cast liquid-clay in it. When unmolded, I found some parts were successfully coloured and other parts were not. If this happens, I usually fix these parts by directly painting on them. After rubbing the surface by using a pallet, I borrowed the kiln at my alma mater to do glost firing. These are the photos I took on 17th June, Friday.

 So far, I have often failed the colouring. Many of my works' engobe tended to come off after glost firing, because some bubbles tend to remain in the engobe no matter how carefully I paint. This is why I used the pallet to rub the surface of the model this time, in order to push these bubbles out from the engobe. I'd like to make more models to prepare for another solo exhibition. Carefully, one by one.



 The weather is so hot these days, but I will work hard to finish this objet.


夏のオブジェ制作 Making an objet in summer

 これから「犬と造形-Mino Keiko Blog」は日本語、英語両方書きます。
 From now on I am going to write this blog both in Japanese and in English.

 Summer has come and I started working at the first floor (since it's cooler here). This time, I am challenging to make a larger piece, and started preparing for it. First I made a plate to make clay, by cutting up the old stand.

 Because its humid, the clay is rather soft, so I formed very carefully and slowly, made several framings with clay, while the clay is a bit dry but still wet enough to mold.