
暑い夏の創作と第14回真夏のアートフェスティバル Working in the Hot Summertime and the 14th Annual Midsummer Art Festival


The 5th Annual Open-Air Sculptural Exhibition at Kyoto Prefectural INSHO-DOMOTO Museum, which has started in April, is soundly finished, so on 13th June (Mon.) I went to Kyoto to bring my artwork back.
Unfortunately, I had no chance to visit and see the exhibition myself, but I’m so grateful that my relatives in Hyogo and mother’s friends went to see and photographed my art piece. Hopefully, I can enjoy the exhibition next year!




To bisque fire the pieces I have been accumulating since last winter, which include the rising up Heteromorphic dog, mugs, candy-pots, Easter eggs, and small kitties and dogs, I put them into the kiln last month. 

Apologies for the short notice but I am joining a group exhibition at Gallery KIKU in Osaka this month. 

10日(日)・ 11日(月)は休廊
24日(日)・ 25日(月)は休廊

Period: <Schedule A> From 5th July (Tue.) to 15th July  (Fri.) 2022
*Closed on 10th (Sun.) and 11th (Mon.) July
Opening Time: 12:00am~6:00pm
*Opened from Noon to 4:00pm on the last day

             <Schedule B> From 19th July (Tue.) to 29th July  (Fri.) 2022
*Closed on 24th (Sun.) and 25th (Mon.) July
Opening Time: 12:00am~6:00pm
*Opened from Noon to 4:00pm on the last day


If you are visiting or living in or nearby Osaka, please come and pop in to enjoy all kinds of exciting art pieces exhibited there.