
京都府立植物園野外彫刻展の最終日と搬出 Kyoto Open-Air Sculpture Exhibition: The Last Day




On 17th December (Sunday), mom and me went to Kyoto to see Kyoto Open-Air Sculpture exhibition. It was its last day. Despite the baltic weather, I enjoyed the exhibition, chatting with my friends. On the next day, dad took our family puppy and drove to Kyoto from Okayama, and helped me packing away my art-pieces.  



Thus I wrapped up all my exhibitions of this year. It was a busy and productive year with many exhibitions, and I’m going to keep it up the next year.  


2023年12月京都府立植物園野外彫刻展と第7回植物園彫刻小品展   The 2023 Kyoto Open-Air Sculpture Exhibition and the 7th Annual Exhibition of Small-Scale Sculptures

「第3回関西アートコンペ」の表彰式が無事に終わり、11月20日(月)には作品がうちに戻ってきました。 一方で、いよいよ12月の京都府立植物園野外彫刻展の時期が近づきましたので案内をしたいと思います。 年末の忙しい時期ですが、京都に遊びに来る人やお近くの方に是非見てもらえると嬉しいです。 
 Both the 3rd Annual Kansai Art Competition Exhibition and its commendation ceremony are over, and my art piece soundly came back home. On a different note, the time of the annual Kyoto Open-Air Sculpture Exhibition, which will be held in December, is here! While it’s the busiest time of the year, it would be great if people who visit Kyoto and/or who live in Kyoto come over and see our exhibition!


名称:2023 京都野外彫刻展


時間:9:00~17:00 (最終日は16:00まで)

展示場所:会場Ⅰ/京都府立植物園 入園 16:00まで

     会場Ⅱ/京都府立陶板名画の庭 入園 16:30まで

入園料 :[会場植物園]一般 200/高校生 150円、

       [会場陶板名画の庭]一般・高校生 100円、

                [会場共通券]一般 250/高校生200


Title2023 Kyoto Open-Air Sculpture Exhibition

Period2nd17th December 2023

Time9:00am - 5:00pm (Last day admission until 4:00pm)

Place: Venue I, Kyoto Botanical Gardens (Admission until 4:00pm) 

     Venue II, Garden of Fine Arts Kyoto (Admission until 4:30pm)

Ticket: Venue I, Kyoto Botanical Gardens (Adults ¥200/ High school students ¥150)

     Venue II, Garden of Fine Arts Kyoto (Adults and high school students ¥100)

        Venue I & II (Adults ¥250/ High school students ¥200)


「第3回関西アートコンペ」表彰式 The 3rd Annual Kansai Art Competition Commendation Ceremony

親戚と私の大学時代の親友が展示会を見にきてくれて、たくさんお話しできました。このようなみんなからの応援を大きな励みに前に進みたいと思います。 On 18th November (Sat), I went to Kobe with my parents and our dog to see the 3rd Annual Kansai Art Competition Exhibition, to which I submitted one of my art pieces. To my happy surprise, I received an award of excellence and HOLBEIN award. I am so glad! My best friend from college and relatives came to see the exhibition and we had a great chat. With such supports from everyone I am deeply encouraged to get going and get better.


第3回関西アートコンペ The 3rd Annual Kansai Art Competition


“The 3rd Annual Exhibition” of Gallery108 is soundly over now, and next up, I am going to exhibit one of my art pieces as part of “The 3rd Annual Kansai Art Competition” at Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art (Ōji Branch Haradanomori Gallery). I’m so excited as this if my very first time exhibiting my work in Hyogo.

If you happen to visit Kobe this autumn, please pop in to the Museum!  

展示期間:2023年11月15(水)~ 11月19日(日)
時間:平日 10:00am~5:00pm(最終日は3:00pm)
     原田の森ギャラリー 本館1F・2F

Title: “The 3rd Annual Kansai Art Competition”
Period: 15th (Wed) ~ 19th (Sun) November 2023
Time: 10:00am ~ 5:00pm (Last day admission until 3:00pm)
Place: F1 & 2, Oji Branch Haradanomori Gallery, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art


3号展開催中 The 3rd Annual Exhibition opening


I think the combination and arrangement of paintings and sculptures of this exhibition is great.


「3号展」ギャラリー108のお祝い Celebrating the 3rd Annual Exhibition of Gallery108


The Cross-Point of Art Exhibition of September is over. It was a great exhibition despite the hot weather. The weather is finally getting cooler now and it’s much easier for me to work at the studio. I am joining the 3rd Annual Exhibition of Gallery108 this month. It’s also a celebration of the 3rd anniversary of the gallery. If you happen to have  any chance to visit Okayama in this lovely season, please come and pop in to our exhibition! 

                              展示期間:2023年10月28(土)~ 11月5日(日)

                              時間:平日 14:30~18:00、土・日 12:30~18:00
                              展示場所:Gallery108 ボックスビル2F

                              Title: “3rd Anniversary” Exhibition
                         Period: 28th (Sat) ~ 5th (Sun) September November 2023
               Time: Weekday - 2:30pm ~ 6:00pm, Sat&Sun - 12:00am ~ 6:00pm 

                            (Opens everyday/ Last day admission until 5:00pm)
                                  Place: 2F, Box Building, Gallery108


3回目の「アートの交差点」 The 3rd Annual “Cross-Point of Arts” Exhibition


This month, I am going to join the 3rd Annual “Cross-Point of Arts” Exhibition with other artists, and to exhibit and sell some of my art pieces. The venue is Gallery108 in Okayama city. 

展示期間:2023年9月16(土)~ 24日(日)
時間:平日 14:00~18:00、土・日 11:00~18:00
展示場所:Gallery108 ボックスビル2F

Title: “The Cross-Point of Arts” Exhibition
Period: 16th (Sat) ~ 24th (Sun) September 2023
Time: Weekday - 2:00pm ~ 6:00pm, Sat&Sun - 11:00am ~ 6:00pm (Opens everyday/ Last day admission until 4:00pm)
Place: 2F, Box Building, Gallery108


猛暑日の制作その2  Working in the Extremely Hot Weather, Part 2


On 26th July (Wed) I did the bisque firing and on 29th (Sat) I joined an ocarina making event. I managed to shape the ocarina, but it didn’t make any sound. Thus I asked for the instructor’s help.


On 15th August (Tue), finishing the glazing successfully, I put my works in the kiln for glost-firing. I was nervous as always, but this time the result was a great success.


The parrot  accessories  before firing


The parrots accessories came out very well. It was a great decision to support the parrot in the upside-down way. I will come back to this method when making animal-shaped accessories in the future!


オカリナ制作イベントの2回目では、野焼き焼成をしました!出来上がりのオカリナを他の参加者とともに演奏しました。暑い中でも楽しいことができて嬉しかったです。At the second gathering for the ocarina making event, we did open-air firing of our ocarinas! Afterwards, I played the completed ocarina with other participants. So happy to be able to have fun even in the heat.


       I made a soap dish using some surplus clay after I made my ocarina.


Made a earrings.