
「3号展」ギャラリー108のお祝い Celebrating the 3rd Annual Exhibition of Gallery108


The Cross-Point of Art Exhibition of September is over. It was a great exhibition despite the hot weather. The weather is finally getting cooler now and it’s much easier for me to work at the studio. I am joining the 3rd Annual Exhibition of Gallery108 this month. It’s also a celebration of the 3rd anniversary of the gallery. If you happen to have  any chance to visit Okayama in this lovely season, please come and pop in to our exhibition! 

                              展示期間:2023年10月28(土)~ 11月5日(日)

                              時間:平日 14:30~18:00、土・日 12:30~18:00
                              展示場所:Gallery108 ボックスビル2F

                              Title: “3rd Anniversary” Exhibition
                         Period: 28th (Sat) ~ 5th (Sun) September November 2023
               Time: Weekday - 2:30pm ~ 6:00pm, Sat&Sun - 12:00am ~ 6:00pm 

                            (Opens everyday/ Last day admission until 5:00pm)
                                  Place: 2F, Box Building, Gallery108