
「第3回関西アートコンペ」表彰式 The 3rd Annual Kansai Art Competition Commendation Ceremony

親戚と私の大学時代の親友が展示会を見にきてくれて、たくさんお話しできました。このようなみんなからの応援を大きな励みに前に進みたいと思います。 On 18th November (Sat), I went to Kobe with my parents and our dog to see the 3rd Annual Kansai Art Competition Exhibition, to which I submitted one of my art pieces. To my happy surprise, I received an award of excellence and HOLBEIN award. I am so glad! My best friend from college and relatives came to see the exhibition and we had a great chat. With such supports from everyone I am deeply encouraged to get going and get better.