
第70回記念創型展 The 70th Annual Exhibition of Soukei-ten



It’s been a while since I last wrote but today I would like to write about the 70th Annual Exhibition of Soukei-ten back in May. On 23rd May (Thu) I flew to Tokyo from Okayama with mom. On the next day, we went to Tokyo Metropolitan Museum to see my pieces exhibited in the middle of the room. Then I realised one of the faces of the two-legged dog has no muzzle and jaw!



Perhaps the packing wasn’t secure enough. Also, the muzzle bit was pretty thin and easy to broke. Next time, I will make sure to design the muzzle bit much stronger, and pack more securely. 


I managed to reunite with a friend I met in Okayama year ago and now is living in Tokyo for the first time in 27 years! It was also great to see other friends, family members, and a Sunday School friend this time. 


On 27th (Mon), we went to pack and bring out my pieces by ourselves. We arrived back of 2pm but then the gate of the exhibition venue was closed. Becoming slightly panicky, I tried to find the loading bay, asking directions from the museum staffs and other exhibitors. After some difficulties we finally found the place! I was glad to be able to see and say thank you to my Kyoto friends who helped me bring my pieces to the Museum this time.


3月と4月の作品焼成と 「第70回創型展」のお知らせ New Pieces of March and April, and the 70th Annual Exhibition of Shoukei-ten


On 20th March (Wed) I bisque-fired many new works which I had accumulated, and glazed them with different colours over the next seven days. In April, I glost-fired them and I think the works were very successful. I am going to exhibit four of my latest pieces at “The 70th Annual Exhibition of Shoukei-ten”.



          Name: The 70th Annual Exhibition of Soukei-ten
         Duration: 21th ~ 27th May 2024
      Time: AM9:30 ~ PM5:30 *Admission until 5:00 (2:00 on the last day)
      Place: Gallery, Tokyo Metropolitan art Museum (Ueno park)

If you happen to be in Tokyo at the time, or living in Tokyo, please come and visit our group exhibition!


第7回 京都府立堂本印象美術館 野外彫刻展の開催 The 7th Annual Open-Air Sculptural Exhibition at Kyoto INSHO-DOMOTO Museum of Fine Arts

 4回目の「アートの交差点」が無事終わってなんと今回新しく出展した野菜箸置きが完売しました。これからも石膏型を使って大量に作りたいと思います。一段落の後、3月20日からは第7回京都府立堂本印象美術館 野外彫刻展に作品出展をしています。

The 4th Annual “Cross-Point of Art” Exhibition is soundly over, during which my vegetable-shaped chopsticks-stand were sold out! I am going to make more by using plaster mould. Now, I am exhibiting my art piece at the 7th Annual Open-Air Sculptural Exhibition at Kyoto INSHO-DOMOTO Museum of Fine Arts since 20th March.



My dad, mom, sister and I with our pup went to Kyoto to bring my art piece to the group exhibition venue. The wind was so cold but the weather was gorgeous thanks to the nice sunshine. My art work is modelled on our previous pup Choco, whom we had for 14 years. It’s my latest work I glost-fired during February. I exhibited it in the museum’s garden. After that I was so happy to have a nice opportunity to chat with other artists exhibiting their works. 



                             名称:第7回 京都府立堂本印象美術館野外彫刻展 

時間 :9:30~17:00
展示場所:京都府立堂本印象美術館 庭園

         Title: The 7th Annual Open-Air Sculptural Exhibition at Kyoto Prefectural INSHO-DOMOTO Museum of Fine Arts

                       Period: 20th March (Wed.) ~ 15th May (Fri.) 2024

       Time: 9:30am-5:00pm
Closed on Mondays (Except on 29th April,6th May)
Admission: Free
Place:Front Garden, Kyoto Prefectural INSHO-DOMOTO Museum of Fine Arts




If you live in Kyoto or happen to visit Kyoto, please have a look at our art pieces in the museum garden!



2月本焼き焼成の作品と4回目のアートの交差点 Glost-Firing in February and The 4th Annual Cross-Point of Art”Exhibition

 1月の素焼焼成から2月の本焼焼成をして新作品がきれいに出来上がりました。また姉が冬休みに岡山に帰ってきてからペンたてケースを作りましたが、その形はBBCドラマ「Doctor Who」に登場するタイムマシンのTARDISでした。

After the bisque-firing in January and glost-firing in February, my new works came out very successful. My elder sister was back in Okayama during the winter holiday, and she made a TARDIS-shaped pencil stand. TARDIS is the name of the Time Machine in a BBC drama Doctor Who. 


The 4th Annual “Cross-Point of Art” Exhibition has started today (2nd March).
While the weather is still pretty cold, please come and visit the exhibition if you’re happened to be in the area. I am particularly looking forward to seeing the works of the artists who have joined this group exhibition for the first time.

時間:平日 14:00~18:00、土・日 11:00~18:00
展示場所:Gallery108 ボックスビル2F

Title: “The Cross-Point of Arts”  Exhibition
Period: 2nd ~ 10th March 2024
Time: Weekday - 2:00 pm ~6:00 pm, Sat & Sun - 11:00 am~6:00 pm (Opens everyday without days-off/ Last day admission until 4:00pm)
Place: 2F, Box Building, Gallery108