
展覧会 2日目   The 2nd Day of the Exhibition


Yesterday I went to h20 gallery. It was my turn to look after the place. We arranged our works in a sprinkly way. Visitors seemed to enjoy viewing, taking their time. I am so grateful that some of them, who always encourage me, liked my works and purchased them. 

           作品”遊ぼう!” 一匹売れました。
           Work “Let’s play!" One sold.
           作品"真っ白な犬” 一匹売れました。
           Work "Snow-white dog”. One sold.

Apologies for the red font colour. I tried several times to fix it but without success.


「ing展」ing Exhibiton

An exhibition I am going to join this fall is about to start. I am going to exhibit my small works this September along with earthenwares and vessels by other graduates of Ceramic course, Kyoto University of Art & Design.
am looking forward to seeing each of their original works displayed together.

If you come to Kyoto, and interested, please do visit and take a look.


連休前の制作 before holidays

It took me six months to make this large piece. Completed one,and now letting it dry.


 Brought another pieces, which I’ve already biscuited, with my parents to the university by car, and thanks to the helps of the technical officer and students, I managed to put these into the kiln and fired it. Because they are not very stable, I put a thick layer of newspaper around their forepaws and hind legs as cushions. 


I made small works as well to prepare to join a graduate's exhibition in September. 

The colour of these small pieces in front are not at all what I intended to make, they became rather like flesh coloured. I will continue trying to get the colour I want to make. 

   I will select some from the remaining rather nicely coloured ones for the     exhibition.


第65回 創型展  The 65th Annual Exhibition of Soukei-Ten


 My work is accepted for the 65th Annual Exhibition of Soukei-Ten. For me, this is the second time to be accepted. But this time, the exhibition period is shorter, and I am rather busy making new works. So I am sorry that cannot go to Tokyo to see the exhibition by myself.
 If those who are living near Tokyo, and interested, please do visit and take a look.

第65回 創型展
会場 東京都美術館(上野市) 全ギャラリー
会期 2017年5/20日(土)〜27日(土)9:30~17:30(入場 17:00)
最終日入場 14:00 閉会14:30
出品作品 彫刻、立体、空間造形

The 65th Annual Exhibition of Soukei-Ten
Place : Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (Ueno)
Period: 2017年5/20日(sat)〜27日(sat)9:30~17:30 (enter by 17:00)
Final day (enter by) 14:00, will be closed at 14:30
Works Exhibited : Sculptures, 3D and space modelings


新作品のスタート! Started making new works!

After the Kyo-ten was over, I started making new works.

I planned to make three dogs, and finished one of them (the smallest one) earlier. So I biscuit fired it with an electric kiln at my alma mater during April.

And I did the glost firing of the small dog in early May. Since the other two are large pieces, I need to take more time and continue carefully.

The color was a bit lighter than I aimed at. I did some drawings on a sketchbook with color pencils to decide my coloring before actually painting, and then made the colorant from orange, vanadium, and engobe.

I made a tiny model of the small dog too. But the tiny dog became a bit scary-looking after the glost firing, so I will paint it and do the firing again.

I did some color testing as well, but I'm still having a difficulty with differentiating those colors. I will try again and again!


2016京展「市展・京展80年記念展」2016 Kyo-tenn : 80th Anniversary Exhibition of City & Kyoto Exhibitions


In late February, I applied my latest work to Kyo-tenn (Kyoto Exhibition).
Today, I received a notice telling me that my work is accepted for the exhibition!

The exhibition is going to be held during 3/7 (Tue) ~ 23 (Thu), at
Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art.

If you are interested, please come and take a look.