
新作品のスタート! Started making new works!

After the Kyo-ten was over, I started making new works.

I planned to make three dogs, and finished one of them (the smallest one) earlier. So I biscuit fired it with an electric kiln at my alma mater during April.

And I did the glost firing of the small dog in early May. Since the other two are large pieces, I need to take more time and continue carefully.

The color was a bit lighter than I aimed at. I did some drawings on a sketchbook with color pencils to decide my coloring before actually painting, and then made the colorant from orange, vanadium, and engobe.

I made a tiny model of the small dog too. But the tiny dog became a bit scary-looking after the glost firing, so I will paint it and do the firing again.

I did some color testing as well, but I'm still having a difficulty with differentiating those colors. I will try again and again!