
危機一髪の素焼き窯詰 Very Thrilling Stuffing for Bisque Firing

This month, I have finished the work I started to produce last October.
Because the piece is rather large, it is impossible for me to stuff it in the kiln all by myself, so I've asked my dad's and sister's helps. We needed to slightly lift up the head of the piece, so we put some hand-made spurs below its left front paw, so that it won't wobble. Very nervously and carefully I put my work into the kiln so that it won't scratch any of those heating wires. Inside the kiln is octagon-shaped, so we put my work diagonally, with the nose on one end and the left hind paw on the other end, and it fitted in, just and no more!

The left hind paw is hanging out from the board, so I've checked if it's hitting the inner wall.

 Reminds me of the days at the college when I was so nervous every time I need to put my works in the kiln.

I made the piece by modeling on the miniature I made in advance, trying to make the shape I want and at the same time, being careful to make sure that it will fit in the kiln.