
1月から3月にかけての作陶 Works done between January and March

 Mr K, with whom I have acquainted when I was doing my solo exhibition in 2014, once sent me a postcard he found in France on his business trip. The postcard is at the same time a paper craft kit, of a tiny hatted donkey. 

 For it has been a while after I received the postcard, I wasted little time cutting and making the donkey. 


I have finished one new piece in January


The painted test piece I did firing with the community centre kiln turned out to be a bit blurry. 


I made another plaster mould for making accessories. 


I did some drawing for the first time in a long time, and I feel my skill got rusty a bit. 


I am making another piece part by part at the moment.


Also, I started to make impressions of accessories with the aforementioned plaster mould. After putting out the clay from the mould, quickly put engobe before the clay goes dry, and gently push it with a shaft so that the colour won’t fall off.