
第45回 京都彫刻家協会展の中止 The Cancellation of the 45th Annual Exhibition of the KYOTO Sculptors Association

 先日、5月4日(火)〜9日(日)に京都府立文化芸術会館で行う予定だった第45回 京都彫刻家協会展がコロナウィルス感染症の拡大と京都府での緊急事態宣言発令ため、中止されることになったという連絡が届きました。


 The other day, I was told that the 45th Annual Exhibition of the KYOTO Sculptors Association, which was scheduled to be held from 4th (Tues) to 9th(Sun) May, is now cancelled, due to the worsening state of the COVID-19 pandemic and the declaration of the State of Emergency in Kyoto Prefecture.


INSHO-DOMOTO Museum of Fine Arts is also closed from 25th April (Sun) to 11th May (Tue), while it is planned that the Museum is going to be re-opened on 12th May(Wed) . My ceramic piece will remain at their garden until 23rd (Sun) May. 




I hope that the situation will be improved soon so that we can do our exhibitions without difficulty again!