お知らせが少し遅くなってしまいましたが、第6回 京都府立堂本印象美術館野外彫刻展に参加しています。このグループ展に参加するのはこれで3回目となしました。昨日は岡山から京都まで作品搬入するため朝早く家族3人と愛犬とで車に乗って出発しました。天気がよく黄砂で青空が見えずくしゃみをするのでマスク着用!無事美術館に到着し、木と木の葉の間に柴犬作品を設置しました。柴犬作品が影の中で休憩をしているような様子にしてみました。今日は展示の一日目でした。
Sorry for the late notice but I’m exhibiting my piece at the 6th Annual Open-Air Sculptural Exhibition at Kyoto INSHO-DOMOTO Museum of Fine Arts. This is my third time joining this group exhibition, and to bring my artwork to the venue, I went to Kyoto with my parents and our puppy by car, starting early in the morning. The weather was great but we couldn’t see the blue sky due to the yellow sand flying from the continent, which made us sneeze. So I had to wear the face mask! We soundly arrived to the Museum and put the Shiba-dog between trees, so that it looks like the dog is resting in the shade of the trees. Today was the first day of the exhibition.
名称:第6回 京都府立堂本印象美術館野外彫刻展
時間 :9:30~17:00 休館日:月曜日(5/1は開館)
入場無料 展示場所:京都府立堂本印象美術館 庭園
Title: The 6th Annual Open-Air Sculptural Exhibition at Kyoto Prefectural INSHO-DOMOTO Museum of Fine Arts
Period: 15th April (Sat.) ~ 31st May (Wed.) 2023
Time: 9:30am-5:00pm
Closed on Mondays (Except 1st May)
Admission: Free
Place:Front Garden, Kyoto Prefectural INSHO-DOMOTO Museum of Fine Arts
It would be great if anyone living in Kyoto, or visiting there could come and have a look at our exhibition! It’s pretty delightful to see all those cheerful art pieces in the garden.