
創型会秋季展、野外彫刻展、京都府立植物園彫刻小品展 The Soukeikai Sculpture Exhibition, Kyoto Open-Air Sculpture and Small-Scaled Sculptures Exhibitions


 It’s getting wintry and colder now. The 43rd Annual Soukeikai Sculpture Autumn Exhibition has ended soundly. During the exhibition, those artists who were at the venue, Tanaka Yaesu Gallery took photos and sent them to the artists via email who couldn’t visit there.



 My piece returned on 24th and thus I managed to soundly installed and concluded the exhibition. I hope I can join the next Annual Soukei Sculpture Exhibition too.



名称:2021 京都野外彫刻展
時間:9:00~17:00 (最終日は16:00まで)
展示場所:会場Ⅰ/京都府立植物園 入園 16:00まで
     会場Ⅱ/京都府立陶板名画の庭 入園 16:30まで
入園料 :[会場Ⅰ植物園]一般 200円/高校生 150円、
       [会場Ⅱ陶板名画の庭]一般・高校生 100円、
                [会場Ⅰ・Ⅱ共通券]一般 250円/高校生200円
Title:2021 Kyoto Open-Air Sculpture Exhibition
Period:4th〜19th December 2021
Time:9:00am - 5:00pm (Last day admission until 4:00pm)
Place: 【Venue I】Kyoto Botanical Gardens (Admission until 4:00pm)
     【Venue II】Garden of Fine Arts Kyoto (Admission until 4:30pm)
Ticket: 【Venue I】Kyoto Botanical Gardens(Adult ¥200/ High school students ¥150)
     【Venue II】Garden of Fine Arts Kyoto(Adult ¥250/ High school students ¥200)
(No admission fee will be charged  for children under the ages of junior high students and adults over 70 years of age at both venues)



The Kyoto Open-Air Sculpture Exhibition will be held in December and this is going to be my second time joining this exhibition.  I am also going to be around at the 1st floor of the Kyoto Botanical Gardens Visitor Centre, the venue of the 5th Exhibition of Small-Scale Sculptures, on 11th December between 9:00am and 1:00pm. I’m looking forward to seeing other artists’ pieces.


展示期間:2021年12/11日(土)〜 19日(日)
時間:9:00~17:00 (最終日は16:00まで)
展示場所:京都府立植物園 − 植物園会館1階展示室
Title: The 5th Exhibition of Small-Scale Sculptures
Period: 11th〜19th December 2021
Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm (Last day admission until 4:00pm)
Place:1st Floor, Kyoto Botanical Gardens Visitor Centre


This is my 2nd time joining this Art exhibition as well. If you happen to live in or around Kyoto area, please pop in and see these pieces!